Trying to learn some PLC code to control my tool changer and wanted to try to do an InfoMsg of what tool it thinks it selected but the message is never written to the console like I would expect. To attempt to log based on a button press that also turns on the tool carousel motor and is supposed to log out "Tool Carousel manual unlock"
IF ZToolCarouselRelease_I && ToolCarouselLockReleased_I && ToolCarouselManualOverride_I THEN
SET ToolCarouselMotor_O,
When I press the button the ToolCarouselMotor_O starts spinning but the message is never logged. It looks like the ShowInfoStage should display that message for me. Am I missing something in how InfoMsg_W is supposed to work?
Attached is hte plc code, very early stages and just trying to get the logic right.
That should not be necessary. Note that MessageStage is activated in InitialStage; and that MessageStage will activate ShowInfoStage if there is an informational message to be displayed, and it is not superseded by a fault message or error message.
With your previous version, when the message was not appearing, was there some unresolved message in FaultMsg_W (W51) or ErrorMsg_W (W52), preventing the informational message from being displayed?
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On a side not I have gotten the logic in place now that identifies the tool locations as they go by. This old Acroloc has a very different style of tool changer along with it's own propritary tool holders. I'll be working on the pneumatic carousol lock this weekend and replacing a microswitch in it and I should be able to finish off the TC logic. Then I'll just need to learn how to tie it to M6 tool change commands.
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IF DoAux1Key_SV THEN ChangeToTool_W = 1, SET ATCStage, SET AUX1LED_O
One for each Aux key.
What I'm a little confused on is how I tie it to an M command. I haven't found great documentation on it yet so if its there please point me in the right direction. I have found: